Tuesday 8 May 2012

Understand the purpose of Music Videos.

By promoting a music video using DVD, both you and the record company make profit
The first ever music video was broadcasted in 1975, this being Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody. It was a basic video, showing mostly images of the band singing and playing their instruments. Almost like they were playing live, without an audience. The video was produced, so the band could promote themselves, making them well known.  Before bands made music videos, they promoted themselves by playing their songs on the radio and making appearances on music TV shows such as, Top of the pops. They often mimed their music, rather than singing live. 

Big TV companies such as MTV are well known for broadcasting music videos. The first ever song to be played on MTV was Video kill the radio star- The Biggles.  Since then, the company has produced many more music channels, such as MTV Hits and MTV Base.  These programs broadcast music videos and promote artists, to a mass audience worldwide. 

YouTube is another way of promoting your videos, although its different to Music channels as any video, professional or unprofessional, signed  artists or aspiring song writers. 

Is a place where we can access music videos, we watch the videos on here, although other channels such as “MTV Hits’ play more modern, mainstream music. You can watch music videos through this channel, both on the TV and online.

This is to promote the artists, by exposing it to a mass audience, worldwide.  Those tuning in then pay MTV for broadcasting the music videos, and the artists with the bigger record deals. Which played on the channel.  

  YouTube is used as a promotional way to get your video seen. This is different to MTV and other music channels, as you as a viewer gets to choose what you want to watch.  As well as professional music videos, any music videos can be posted on YouTube.  
  Free access for users, as well as being able to spend unlimited time on the site. Although, the sound and quality is not always the best.


DVDs is most probably the most popular way to watch a movie in the modern day, millions of DVDs are sold every hour.
Promotion, you can distribute your DVD and sell them. This is a more traditional form of promotion. A modern version of the Videotape.
By promoting a music video using DVD, both you and the record company make profit.

When putting your music on iTunes, there is a promotional element because; it is a way to sell your things.  As well as promoting your music as it is a well known, often used site. 
There is profit made through this method for the artist, record company and iTunes because there is a cost to download. 

This is a more of a self-promotion way of advertising, although it is cheaper as there are no costs to advertise. By receiving likes on your video on Facebook, you will be able to see the outcome of who likes your work. For example, you will be able to calculate the age range of the people that like your videos as well as the main target audience 
You can use Viral marketing to get your video shown on the site, from people sharing the link with others.

  MySpace, like Facebook again is self promotional way of advertising. For example using Facebook, MySpace and Twitter could attract a range of different audiences. From a wide range of audiences and find the correct target audience, for your channel. Again with this, you can use viral marketing to share your work.



Thursday 19 January 2012

Music Videos- Styles, Conventions and Techniques.

Daft Punk- Digital Love.
  http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjli3hj0ZkM&ob=av2e
 This is a cartoon animation, with start middle and an end. The video is almost like a battle of the planets, loved story.

Eminem Ft Rihanna- Love the way you lie.

The video for this song has a narrative. The theme is based on domestic abuse, crossed with romance. It shows almost a repetitive story of a couple’s relationship. The video consists of big stars, such as Eminem, Rihanna and Megan Fox. This also is known for linking to other artists, as well as this, the video contains a lot of multi image.

Oasis – Let There Be Love 

The video for this is filmed with basic effects. Such as it being in black and white, the video shows a live performance from a live concert. The scene shows a live show and a number of shots of the band.  

Foo Fighters – Walk


Falling down opening scene-  

 This video is a pastiche, inspired by the famous film Falling Down. The video takes a lot of detail from the films opening scence, and includes it in their own way. The music video techniques in this video are miming and lip sync, as well camera shots, angles and movements.
Michael Jackson- Beat It

Weird Al Yankovic – Eat It (Parody of Beat it):
Eat it is a parody of Beat it by Michael Jackson. Not only has Weird Al Yankovic changed the lyrics to this song, a lot of effort has gone in to making the set, of the video the exact same as the original. 

Kanye West - Gold Digger 


The majority of this video shows a variety of women wearing, in lingerie. R&B and Hip-hop music is often known to exploit women, in a promotional way. The music video techniques used in this video, are the Chroma key, also known as the green screen.

  Thirty Seconds To Mars - The Kill  

This song has the following conventions of an Allusion and a reference. This uses music video techniques, such as cutting to the beat.

Shining Trailer 

The set of this music video is similar to the one from famous horror film, The shining.  The video uses a lot of reference from the film. It has also been edited so, it matches the beat of the song.  A variety of special effects have been used in this video too.


The Lonely Island – I’m on a Boat
This video, is basically mocking other celebrities. Its not a serious song, its just simply showing a humorous side to music videos, that take things such as that seriously. This video is an example of Lyrical interpretation.

Radiohead - Street Spirit
A lot of special effects have been used throughout this video, possibly by using a green screen. The video has been filmed, or edited in black and white. Also it was filmed in slow motion for effect. The slow motion is used for example when there is a long note, as soon as the beat kicks in, the slow motion stops. This contains effects and music video techniques.

The Beastie Boys- Sabotage
This is an impressionist video. Not a serious type, an American video. This song is an example of an extension or consolidation of a songs meaning.